The Cult of Trump
By George Elder, 8/10/24 The word “cult” is a neutral term in the field of religious studies. It usually refers to a religion’s external...
By George Elder, 6/26/24 When referring briefly to the “Lord’s Prayer” in my last Post, I realized that I have written little about...
By George Elder, 5/30/24 One of the difficulties of psychology is that one may have to unsay what was said—given the differences among...
Opposites (2)
By George Elder, 4/25/24 Jung was familiar with all of the material in my first essay on this topic. (Please, re-read.) In fact, Edward...
By George Elder, 3/25/24 In Western philosophy, the “problem of opposites” is as old as the fragments of Heraclitus’ thought around 500...
By George Elder, 2/23/24 A few days after I finished my recent Posts on “The God Within,” I was watching a documentary entitled, “For All...
The God Within (2)
By George Elder, 1/27/24 Jung’s discovery that “God” is within the human psyche had its precedents. Perhaps the earliest was in India,...
Christmas, 2023
By George Elder, 12/25/23 Christmas, of course, is the “Mass of Christ” that celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ, the divine Savior in...
The God Within
By George Elder, 12/4/23 C. G. Jung’s greatest contribution to culture is his discovery of the collective unconscious. It is a profound...
The Blind and the Lame
By George R. Elder, 10/3/23 This essay is about an image—a marble statue entitled, “L’aveugle et le paralytique”—that won a first class...